Monday, November 5, 2007

Halloween recap

When Lindsay came home from school on Halloween, I surprised her with her new fairy wings. She promptly burst into tears and desperately wanted to wear the crappy store-bought ones that came with the costume. I asked her if I could wear the big ones and she didn't like that. I understand that she wanted to be the only fairy, and who am I to steal her Halloween thunder? Sigh. Next time, I won't make an amateur mistake like showing her the crappy store-bought wings ahead of time.

We had a fun time. Photos can be seen here. Lindsay had WAY too much candy that night. The next morning she was a beast with her Halloween hangover. We've successfully avoided questions about remaining candy and are trying to detox the sugar from her system.


Lisa said...

Oh dear....I suspected the wing story went something like that.

Lisa said...

Oh, I think you would like this. My friend Gina's son Liam, announced that he wanted to be a "piggy butcher" for Halloween. And then he told Gina what she should be.
